
Are you ready to dig into God's word and get rooted?

We are a comprehensive Christian community offering Biblical teaching, accountability, and an intentional space to learn and dig deep into God’s word.



We are a comprehensive Christian community offering Biblical teaching, accountability, and an intentional space to learn and dig deep into God’s word.


If you're looking for an uncensored conservative Christian community that always points you back to the Bible, you're in the right place.

We are a comprehensive Christian community offering Biblical teaching, accountability, and an intentional space to learn and dig deep into God’s word. We are a tribe of like-minded individuals with a Biblical worldview who use the word of God to navigate the world we live in. 

Our vision is to help you build your understanding and desire of God's word while resting into who God has called you to be.

 Through our app, studies, devotions, podcasts, and resources, we will encourage you to let go of the daily hustle and dive deeper into your relationship with the Lord.


Have you grown in your faith recently? Or maybe you're wanting to grow in your faith? Are you craving community? A place where you can dig deeper into the word of God? A place you can continue to grow while cultivating friendships with like-minded individuals?

Have you found yourself searching for more in-depth Bible studies and maybe even people to talk with about it?

Are you…

→ craving more and more of God's word?
→ longing for friends to share what the Lord's been teaching you?
→ looking for a safe place to talk about what is going on in the world?


You were taught how to truly study God's word.

You had a safe place to talk about what you're learning.

You could finally speak about world events without getting censored... with like-minded individuals.

You didn't have to scramble for the next Bible study or search for your next devotion.

You had a seat at the table.


What if all of this was in one place – a safe community for Christians to dig into God's word through guided Biblical studies, community, devotions, Biblical deep dives and more?

Would you join?


“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.”


You're going to



Biblical Resource

The Rooted Truth App

Get a free account for resources, verse by verse studies and a sample of what you get when you join The Collective. Sign up for a free account first and then find the app in Google Play or the App Store.

Get Your Free Account

Cost of Following Jesus

Download your free copy of the 28-day Cost of Following Jesus devotion. Dive into what it truly means to take up your cross and follow after the King above of all kings. 

Download Now

Come Join The Collective

If you are ready to dig deep into the word of God and have a community unlike none, then this is for you.

There's a seat at the table for you!

Jump into previous studies such as "The Covenants" and "Kingdom Authority" or join us in the upcoming live study with so much more to come!

Get instant access to our APP when you join The Collective!
And don't forget, you get to keep access to the previous study in case you fall behind!


Listen to the Podcast

Welcome to The Rooted Truth Podcast where we talk about real life, Biblical truth, God's daily grace and following Jesus through it all. Listen to many episodes for free on all major podcasting platforms! Subscribe to get a weekly dose of Biblical truth!


Hear what others are saying...


Accountability. I actually feel like I am part of a class and not just reading a book chapter by chapter. I have started so many studies over the years and have never finished a single one until yours - and I’ve now finished 3! The zoom calls, insta stories, emails, and chats make me feel as though I need to have each chapter finished for the next live call. 

Community. I don’t have many women friends in Christ and especially don’t have many who can see the truth of what is happening in the world today. I think many of us feel alone. You have created a community where we feel like we have a support system and true friends. This is priceless! And I appreciate it so very much!

Teaching is your gift. Truly!! You have such an amazing way of breaking down complicated things to simple, easy to understand concepts. Like the book of Revelation! I don’t know how you do it but you & Lori both explained so many things that I could have never understood on my own. Your writing in the study guides are so clear and concise. You bring the lessons of the bible to the forefront of what is happening in our world today and you aren’t afraid of telling the truth. It's so refreshing to have someone not feel like they need to tip toe around these subjects. Your hard work and time are evident in how thorough your studies are. You go into many details to explain something and I need that!

Overall, I feel so blessed to have stumbled upon your instagram, which brought me to your studies and this community. It has changed my life. YOU AND LORI HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE!! I have learned so much about Jesus, the Bible, and myself through your studies and I’ve never felt closer to Jesus. Thank you for all your hard work & for keeping me in the presence of God."


"I’m so thankful to have found you…

I have always considered myself a spiritual person, but boy, have I come so much further these last almost 3 years! The best thing to come from 2020 for me was digging deep into the Bible, thanking God for opening my eyes to so much deception early on in the “pandemic,” and finding an amazing church with a fearless and bold leader as well as your studies! I was not nearly prepared enough for the backlash that would come from my walk with God though and everything I have learned, changed, and stand firm on. It can feel so lonely and frustrating at times, but having our little community helps me to know that I am not alone. There are not enough words to describe how thankful I am for our studies, group of ladies, and you for all you do!!!”


"For me personally, the group, podcast, study feels like a safe place…

I’m 22 and just got married a month ago and it’s so important for me to be a Godly wife aka I have to get my spiritual house in order! I found your podcast and let me just say it has been a life saver. I own a cleaning company so I listen while I work and ugh it just has been such a blessing. I’ve never been able to read scripture and understand it the way I do now. I’ve always been the kind of persons who strives in small groups so not having the community to meet with and talk about these things is so hard but finding your study where literally everyone is on the same journey towards the same goal has been so encouraging. I’m so thankful for what you’re doing and where this is going to go 🤍”


Not sure you want to jump into the community yet?

No problem! Join the next study to get a feel for how we do things! 

Check Out the next Study
  The latest


Mental Illness vs. Spiritual Warfare with Dr. Natalie Atwell

Living Stones

Walking Through the Bible Part 17 + 18 – The Books of 1 + 2 Kings


Walking Through the Bible PDF

Snag the Walking Through the Bible pdf that accompanies the series on the podcast. This downloadable resource is updated each time a new episode drops on the series "Walking Through the Bible".